In childhood, 88 (63.3%) of the boys met the DSM-III, III-R, or IV criteria for gender identity disorder the remaining 51 (36.7%) boys were subthreshold for the criteria. In childhood, the boys were assessed at a mean age of 7.49 years (range, 3.33–12.99) at a mean year of 1989 and followed-up at a mean age of 20.58 years (range, 13.07–39.15) at a mean year of 2002. This study reports follow-up data on the largest sample to date of boys clinic-referred for gender dysphoria ( n = 139) with regard to gender identity and sexual orientation.
2Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
1Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.